Monday, December 04, 2006

the cousins are back again. help. they'll be here every end of the year. the whole bunch of them. i cant begin to express my dislike at their arrival. why? because

no1 they'll mess up my room
no2 they eat up all my food
no3 they disturb my sleep
no4 they practically destroy everything in their way (mini godzillas)

and mind you, theres three of them. good thing all the other cousins arent like them. otherwise i will seriously dread going back for Chinese New Year every year. So they'll be staying for around a week. Thats actually a lot of people in one little house. they're sleeping with me, the two girls. yikes.

mummy says i have to be patient. bleh. cant remember the last time they didnt mess up my stuff.
yes, this is one of the many complains i have again.
guess ill have to bear with them for one week again.
maybe next time i should go live some where else when they come.

Help meeee!!!!