Any new resolutions you ask me?
yeah, im gonna be able pursue what ive wanted to do all long..
Full force is what people would call it.
With no one stopping me..
you reading this?
Ive always wanted for this little life of mine to mean something..
You help me yah?
Anway, a brief look into the past..

That phase i went through which most girls go through..
The, the-search-for-the-right-self-potrait phase..
25th anniversary dinner at Sunway convention centre
2004 i think..

One of my favourite xyz camps at pd..

When denise still had long hair..and chewy was still around..

That bike craze i went through in secondary..
Btw, this is a ducati 999 R..
Just look at that body..phew
Those times when jian and i would just take dumb pictures for fun

When we still had bu cell within du cell..
When we use to be the best of friends..

When i was still working at italiannies, and met these bunch of clowns..

when we use to not listen during add maths and sejarah and keep swapping places with each other..
And candice wasnt with yoke yet..hah

Prom 2005
My favorite person in class..well one of them..
And how you would always help me with econs and accounts
My beloved brother, too bad he's all grown up more candid moments anymore..
Me and nat during home e i think..

Toy Symphony 2006

When we were all young and innocent back then, and when jeff and chuen were still around..
Those were the days..
Yes, i wont deny the fact that i wish i was still back there with them.
Going to tuition almost everyday,
hanging out at may ann's house after school..
Meeting up with chew, lem and germaine during cell...
hmm...only worrying about exams..
Anyway, that time's gone, ive got to look ahead now..
Well, pictures i took on thursday, yesterday and all..

Bev and arthur, my dear friends from class, thanks for the brooch, i love it so much..
and arthur, i cant believe my mum said ure good looking..ahaha..*rolls on floor*

My birthday cake. Courtesy of Aunty Evelyn.

Some how i think i look the best in here. The rest just look like...
okay i shall not say it..hmm..
And the beautiful presents given to me:

That cute pair of knickers from may ann
My babe a few doors down..well, not for very long..i know you'll be shifting dear..i really dont want you to go, thanks for all the memories, that important part you played in my life..for the times i knew i could count on you to watch my back. For the things we did in Form 3..remember? haha..the only thing we didnt really do much was to take pictures..haha..we'll do that more before i leave alright? Growing up with you was the best thing i could get from you. Love you so much. Muaxx.
Cant wait for our date.

The money me bev arthur and ian spent on that stupid arcade game..
It was still worth it guys, thanks.

The Butterfly brooches
From bev and arthur.
Cant believe u guys got that for me!

And this sweet little case..well honestly i dont know what is it for, but it has a mirror and i love mirrors..
From joyce

And finally
Purpose driven Youth Ministry by Doug Fields, foreword by Rick Warren.
I love it.
This came at 12 smtg this morning when i was almost falling asleep..
Good thing it did not come at 2 smtg u idiot..
Together with my favourite BR ice cream flavour..


and this

hmm..yay..done eating it..
Thanks ian..
Not to forget the 'Tiramisu with a twist' from James. Thanks man. Haha, there's even fruits inside. I like it a lot! You can definately open a restaurant. Ill be your first customer alright mate?
And the caramel cheese cake from David. Thanks for bringing it to me all the way.
To all the guys and gals for all the bday wishes, really appreciate everyone for remembering!
Phew, finally done this. Took so long. Aih.
And a few pictures from today.

In room108.
After service. Me and my bestie.
Happy Birthday to Edward and Sarah!

Okay, my back is gonna break dy. I need a rest..
Shu Ern over and out.