Friday, September 12, 2008

Exam week

First week of exams, grammar was alright, next paper is tomorrow. Getting really restless exam week is stretched so long. All of my 4 papers are next week. Back to back. It really sucks, I want nothing than to finish up all my papers and go back home to my beloved PJ.

Was talking to my brother just now, havent actually chatted with him online before, reminds me how much i miss him too. Hmm, that idiot.

Last night I was particularly missing home so much, I watched Across the Universe, the musical movie starring Jim Sturges and Evan Rachael Wood. And I did that eye mask thingy Beverly recommended. So stupid, It took me at least a few minutes to put on that two pieces of thing under my eye. Jakun right.

Anyway, time to go back to my books.. Aih sien..

Till then