At work now actually, but there's no assignment for me at the moment so was fidgeting around with my blog and stuff. Finally changed the skin after putting this task off for almost a year.
I keep thinking its impossible for me to change the codes to way i want it, but then actually it wasnt as hard as i thought it to be. In fact, it was quite fun. Now there's just a few more things to change, for eg. the emo picture at the top. Since Im not a very emo kind of person, i think i would like to do away with the picture and put mine up.
Have been working for three weeks already. Everything's fine, no thats an understatement. It is actually VERY FINE. Im enjoying what im doing, no stress, plenty of free time and the CASH babeh.
Well, maybe a few things here and there that irritates me, but otherwise its all good.
Then, when ian comes in to work it'll be even better. ♥
It's that time of the year i look forward to again. Christmas, xyz camp, watchnight celebration and then my second year as an english undergraduate. I think about it before i go to bed, when i wake up from bed. I so cant wait for the new year.
Ohya, ill be 21.
Cyz zone congre this friday evening. Reminds me how long i havent been attending. hehe. *guity guity*
Talking about felling guity.
My dearest may ann,
im so sorry we couldnt make it today. Ill just wait for you to finish exams okay. Maybe its my fault too, im working and am not free during the day. Well, when ur exams are done we'll have our long-past-due catch up session okay? I know I have a lot to share with you, im sure you do too. Cant wait to see you. All the best in your exams. muaxx.
ps. i still owe you a present.
Yeah. I really have a lot of catching up to do in the FRIEND department.
And i am wondering when are my friends from down below coming up here to visit me. Hmm.
Till then.