Christmas is over, new year is coming. Im growing older another year. Sigh. Went out shopping with pin pin(he'll prob get a kick out of this) just now. He came back yesterday you see, and i havent seen him in more than a week, which is kinda like a break through, looking at the fact that i use to see him 24/7. Hah.
But then again, who has a boyfriend who is slimmer, has smoother skin, and probably looks prettier than them!!
Florence told me, kyle is so lucky to have me, and he better hold on to me tightly.
She told me she showed her friend a picture of me and him. And her friend was like "Guang Pin has a girlfriend?!?!!!"
Poor fella.
Oh well, I finally got my hands on that dress i wanted so much. At first i went there and i couldnt find my i started to panic, good thing kyle asked the assistant and they brought out another one from the changing rooms. I feel stupid for making a fuss now.
Oh did i tell you about the crowd at christmas day. Omg! I think i can suffocate inside there. I was walking along side florence and another friend and people kept pushing at us and no matter how many times we tried to get next to each other we ended separated. And trying to look for a parking place was SO IMPOSSIBLE! Okay bad syntax but i dont care!
Meeting florence again (we're so bored we had to keep each other company) felicia and kyle. We're supposed to be watching Sherlock Holmes at Mid Valley, i pray we find parking and we get good tickets. *cross fingers*
For the next few days i need to finish my multiple intelligence books, bake more cakes which includes pandan cake(you can guess why), sleep less, do something about my wardrobe(its packed to bursting, i cant close the closet doors properly), go out less, meet up with may ann(my dear best friend is bored to death without my company, i like to think so ^_^) and stop EATING SO MUCH~ even my aunt said i looked FATer!!!!
ps. I really really really really want an iphone, i will sell kyle off if i have to.
Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays.